In Sanskrit, DHI (धी) means intellect, wisdom, intuition, or perception. It represents the power of the mind to analyze information, understand concepts, and make decisions.

The Dhi Sphere or intellectual sphere is a domain that encompasses all aspects of human thought and knowledge. Within this sphere, individuals engage in critical inquiry, analysis, and creative expression to broaden their understanding of the world and their place within it. Through intellectual pursuits, individuals can gain insight into the complexities of human experience, develop new ideas and innovations, and engage in meaningful discourse with others. The intellectual sphere is not limited to any specific field or discipline but rather encompasses all areas of human inquiry and knowledge. It is a dynamic and constantly evolving domain that plays a central role in shaping human culture and progress.

IPR Portfolio

Intellectual Property Rights
Regional and Global Licensing
E-Wallets | Online Escrows| FX Management
Air, Car Hotel, Cruise and Tour Booking Engines | Travel Marketplace
STEM Content, Question Banks, LMS System | Education Marketplace
Television Content: Travel Series, Children's Education Series